Re: [Tracker] ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.7.13 released

On 31/12/09 10:32, Martyn Russell wrote:
On 29/12/09 17:23, JÃrg Billeter wrote:
On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 10:56 +0800, Jerry Tan wrote:
Does it work with OS without libinotify?

I remember that tracker 0.6.9x works with Solaris that does not have
libinotify, but gio instead.
it seems that it is broken in 0.7.x

I don't know why libinotify was made non-optional some time ago. I
suspect that the gio backend was broken and nobody was maintaining it.
If you are willing to maintain the gio file monitoring backend, we'd
certainly be happy to take patches to resurrect it.


Well libinotify was imported into src/libinotify. We used to make it
optional vs. gio, but then gio wasn't good enough (no MOVE event
support) so we had to make libinotify the ONLY option since MOVE support
is quite important.

Just to clarify, when I say "MOVE support", the move event was already supported, but the _OTHER_ GFile was not given IIRC. This makes the move event quite useless for us without the patch in Bugzilla.


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