Re: [Tracker] Releasing Tracker 0.6.90

2009/2/5 Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com>:

There are still likely to be other unpleasant experiences left in there we
don't know about. But we have been in testing now for over 2 months and
unlike in the early days when we started the indexer split branch, the guys
in the team aren't beating down our doors for Carlos and I to fix crashers
and blockers in the daemon/indexer. So I consider the experience to be quite
pleasant even if the performance can still be improved in areas.

We have also been waiting over a month now to release with these little
things that keep cropping up. Releases should be much more often.

FWIW, I tend to agree with Martin. Even if quite a few of the
"complaints" were coming from me, I think it's better to release then
to wait indefinitely. I also think that the version number 0.6.90
makes it clear that it is a kind of "intermediate" release, and we can
still push out a 0.6.91 if something serious pops up.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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