Re: [Tracker] Refactored the src/plugins & (new) Evolution support

Fixes for all four change requests are committed and pushed in the git
branch at Codethink's git.

Let me know when/if I can bring this to Subversion tracker/trunk

On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 14:26 +0000, Martyn Russell wrote:
Martyn Russell wrote:
Philip Van Hoof wrote:
ok, fair enough.;a=commitdiff;h=739e33a1a7175d8f481e0fa617cc388b7b7803a7 

Was this the last remark before commit approval?
I just wanted to look at the files I didn't have, 
trackerd/tracker-push.[ch] first. Will get back to you before the end of 
the day.

Hi Philip,

#1, instead of doing this:

+ static void
+ unload_modules (PushSupportPrivate *private)
+ {
+     GList *copy = private->modules;
+     while (copy) {
+             PushModule *p_module = copy->data;
+             p_module->shutdown (p_module->registrar);
+             g_object_unref (p_module->registrar);
+             g_module_close (p_module->module);
+             g_slice_free (PushModule, p_module);
+             copy = g_list_next (copy);
+     }
+     g_list_free (private->modules);
+     private->modules = NULL;
+ }

Can I suggest we either use g_list_foreach() or a for() loop here from 

#2, The load_modules() still has this if(error) goto handle_error. 
Please do not use goto for single conditions - especially when they just 
return anyway. Can you change that to just print the error in the 
condition above and return.

#3, In name_owner_changed_cb(), we have another while() loop for 
handling a list. Can we use for() there please.

#4, Again, another 2 while() cases where for() is more appropriate in 


With those fixed, I think we can commit. I am a bit uneasy about this 
approach to "push" modules. I would much rather we had the same 
infrastructure as we do for indexer modules here. It would be expansible 
and consistent (with how we do it everywhere else already). I think you 
might find when we come to add more "push" modules that we will have to 
do something like this later down the line anyway.

Thanks again for the patch Philip :)

Philip Van Hoof, freelance software developer
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org

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