Re: [Tracker] RDF Queries

Hi Michael,

El miÃ, 18-02-2009 a las 18:01 +0100, ext Michael Lissner escribiÃ:
For a while now, I've been intrigued by Tracker's supposed ability to
use RDF queries. I took some time out tonight to see if I could figure
them out, and I've utterly failed. I filed a bug on the documentation
noting that this is utterly lacking, and it occurred to me that I
could put some time towards writing it up, if I had the right
 At the moment we have only few examples in the source code tree, and
the code in tracker-rdf-query.[ch]. We cannot call this "documentation".

So far, I've been stymied by the RDF queries. For example, why doesn't
something like this work:
    <rdfq:Property name="Audio:Album" />
    <rdf:String>Abbey Road</rdf:String>

 It looks ok. You can start trackerd with "-v 3" option to see the log
output. Maybe it can give as a clue what is failing. You can join to the
IRC channel (#tracker in freenode) and find some "online help" there.

Any help would be appreciated, and if I can find the time, I'd be
happy to work on documentation, if it's not done yet.
 That would be great! We can help you with the RDF part, and if you want
to document it, there are other documentation pages you can use as
template. For instance:

 That reminds me, now (that we have a release) we should ping to integrate our documentation there! 



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