Re: [Tracker] Tracker and SQLite

Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com> wrote:
If we wanted to write another backend, we would have a lot less work than
before of course, but the connection management would need writing. This
part is quite tricky for SQLite. We can write a more generic interface here
if we need to and if we find it makes sense depending on future
Is there things specific to Tracker that SQLite is incapable of
providing that would necessitate such a move in future? That is, do
you currently to hack around such inadequacies, or is SQLite (with its
FTS) up to the task?
There are no hacks for this. It is simply that we have multiple 
databases and they are not all stored in the same place. That coupled 
with the fact that some databases have to be attached to other databases 
to be usable, means we have complex management code depending on what 
part of Tracker needs database access and for what use (reading/writing).
If this was all done using one database in PostgreSQL, for example, then 
this management of the databases changes somewhat.

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