Re: [Tracker] Tracker and Zeitgeist

On 12/07/09 18:28, Richard Hughes wrote:
2009/7/12 Jamie McCracken<jamie mccrack googlemail com>:
In general there is a lot of talk around zeitgeist so its not clear what
they will implement but there is plenty of time for that -6 months to
beta and 12 months to gnome 3 inclusion.

Being blunt, to make it into gnome3, you'll going to have to make
tracker much easier to use, and also make trackerd use much less power
and disk space.
Have you tried 0.7 (and it has not had anywhere near the polish that 0.6 
Also 0.6.9x is much better these days.

You need to get it something working into 2-27 if you
don't want it to be "optional" for gnome3. Don't get me wrong, I love
tracker, but before you can "force" it on all users, you all need to
stop talking about ontologies and start talking about use-cases and


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