Re: [Tracker] tracker-search-tool is slow!

On 19/10/09 15:28, Jamie McCracken wrote:
On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 09:14 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
On 18/10/09 17:09, Michael Biebl wrote:
2009/10/18 Laurent Aguerreche<laurent aguerreche free fr>:

I am trying tracker-search-tool and I feel it very slow while
tracker-search returns results almost immediately.

Is the problem related with bad SPARQL requests or bad filtering
algorithms in tracker-search-tool?
I guess the problem is, that t-s-t implements search-as-you-type and
blocks the UI while it sends it's requests to tracker which gives it a
very "sluggish" user experience.
Yes it does. I would have fixed this but I am learning the language the
UI is written in at the same time, so baby steps for now :) I think
Jamie plans to fix this anyway at some point.

I can get this done by friday in time for next release
Thanks Jamie. Carlos is going to work on the "run once" solution for tst 

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