Re: [Tracker] ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.7.3 released


On dom, 2009-10-18 at 18:12 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
2009/10/18 Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>:
On 16/10/09 22:48, Michael Biebl wrote:
2009/10/16 Martyn Russell<martyn lanedo com>:
 * Added tracker-status-icon.cfg for visibility settings.
I noticed, that changing this setting in tracker-preferences does not
have an immediate effect on the running tracker-status-icon. I have to
restart it for it to pick up the changes, which is not so nice from a
user experience pov.
Sure, but at least it is configurable for now. We are doing bits at a time
of course.
Sure, and that's cool. I justed wanted to mention it, so it is not overlooked.

But it seems you already have an eye on it, so I guess I don't need to worry.
The base object for configuration files already provide monitoring and
notification of changes. It turned out that the technique used by
tracker-preferences to rewrite config (which boils down to
g_file_set_contents()) was sort of ignored by such file monitor. This is
now fixed in git.


P.S: I also wanted to mention that tracker is shaping up pretty nicely
in the last 0.7.x releases.
A bit more polish (like this) here and there and full text support for
more file types and it is imho ready for prime time.
What document formats are you missing specifically?

Keep up the excelllent work!
Thanks :)


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