Re: [Tracker] Write-back data & default/dummy data

On Mon, 2009-10-26 at 10:43 +0000, Martyn Russell wrote:
1. If a file doesn't have ALL the metadata associated with it that we 
would normally expect (for example Video Title), should we set a
value for these cases?

I'm not sure about it. How user can distinguish when returned value is
the default one or the stored value in the file?

For example, if I'm writting a MP3-show-info program, maybe I want to
show UNKNOWN when title is really unknown, and not the default value
tracker is using.

Which leads me to think how tracker is performing with OPTIONAL keys. In
this case, if asking for a key with OPTIONAL clause, and key doesn't
exist, then it returns "" as value. It's up to the user to decide what
to do with that value.

In the case exposed, maybe tracker should return this value too if an
expected key has no value.

I'm pretty you were discussing a lot, so probably I'm missing a lot of
things ;).

2. If we do have a default value to set, should we write this back to 
the file?

How tracker performs if a user changes a value with UPDATE sentence?
Will those values be written back to file? If so, then makes sense to
write default value back to file too.


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