Re: [Tracker] Tracker Preferences UI redesigned for GtkBuilder


On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com> wrote:
On 14/09/09 07:02, Ivan Frade wrote:

 As a first approach to release 0.7 is ok, but i think we should do a
complete clean-up of that preferences applet, a little bit in this line:

I generated it from scratch cleaning it up as I went along. A lot of the options we have in the config files don't really make sense to have in the UI and to be honest the user won't care about I suppose, so I did prune a lot.

You have to remember, the dialog should be clean and not too cluttered, if you put detailed information in there on show 100% of the time it looks horrible (IMO) and that can be avoided with tooltips. I personally think that dialog is ugly and he is using small text there for what really should be done in tooltips OR a much better checkbutton description.

 Ok. I read this mail too late. Attached a version using the "small text" approach. Agree that tooltips also makes sense. 

and i would remove "Include mounted directories" and "include removable
media" (or move them to a different tab...)


I put there here because these are all on/off options that affect indexing.

At least both options sounds confusing. I don't see a clear difference (maybe because i am technical and i see a "removable device" as a "mount point").

In the mock UI i attach, i put them together in one unique option.

I think before you do, we should agree to avoid wasting resources ;)

Yep, i did it before reading this mail. I attach a .glade file that basically:
* Uses the "small text" approach instead of tooltips
* Removes few options that only pro-users will miss (I hope :P)

Take as a proof of concept, and not a serious proposal for integration.



Description: application/glade

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