Re: [Tracker] Indexing mbox files

On 18/08/10 17:36, Mildred Ki'Lya wrote:
On 2010-08-18 18:16, Mildred Ki'Lya wrote:
So, if I understood everything well, I should have something like:

nmo:Mailbox ->  nie:hasPart ->  nmo:MailboxDataObject ->  nie:interpretedAs
->  nmo:Email

and of course

nmo:Email ->  nie:isStoredAs ->  nmo:MailboxDataObject ->  nie:isPartOf ->
Additionally, how do I generate the URI for the different objects?

For nmo:Mailbox, this is just the filename (uri provided by Tracker).

But for nmo:MailboxDataObject and nmo:Email, what are the most
appropriate URI? I thought of using "<file-uri>#<n>" for
MailboxDataObject and "urn:email:<message-id>" for Email. Do you think
it is appropriate?
Just to add to what the guys already said, if you're using the new 
0.9/0.10 API from libtracker-sparql, it is nicely supported and shown in 
this example:

NOTE: libtracker-client is marked as deprecated in >= 0.9.15


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