[Tracker] sparql: Could not run update, constraint failed (database corruption?)


Me again, this time I'm having a problem with an update request using
tracker-sparql. It tells me:

Could not run update, constraint failed

And I have no idea why it tells me that. But I could reproduce the
problem, and it seems that the tracker database is not in a correct state.

I modified the data I'll show, they are private email addresses.

First, Here is the request that fails (same message as above):

    INSERT {
      <mailto:bob company tld> a nco:EmailAddress ;
        nco:emailAddress "bob company tld" .

If I change the e-mail address, I don't have any error
And when I did query tracker for all email addresses, I got:

    SELECT ?x nco:emailAddress(?x) WHERE { ?x a nco:EmailAddress . }

    Results: 89
      mailto:toto gap com, toto gap com
      mailto:toto customer com, toto customer com
      mailto:foo customer com, foo customer com
      mailto:joe customer com, joe customer com
      mailto:me nowhere com, me nowhere com
      mailto:out of ideas, out of ideas
      , charles titi com
      mailto:another_list mailing com, another_list mailing com
      , bob company tld

What I find strange is the empty results. The results where (?x = <>).
And one of those results is with the e-mail address that causes the
error. I tried to list those strange objects using:

    SELECT ?x nco:emailAddress(?x)
    WHERE { ?x a nco:EmailAddress . FILTER (?x = <>) }

    Results: 0

So, those objects aren't empty, but their uri aren't shown either. I
don't understand.

But I could reproduce the same error with an empty uri:

    INSERT { <> a nco:EmailAddress ; nco:emailAddress "toto foo tld" . }

    SELECT ?x nco:emailAddress(?x)
    WHERE { ?x a nco:EmailAddress . FILTER (?x = <>) }

    Result: 1
      , toto foo tld

    INSERT {
      <mailto:toto foo tld> a nco:EmailAddress ;
        nco:emailAddress "toto foo tld" .

    Could not run update, constraint failed

I tried to manually remove the unwanted objects. For the test-case it's

    DELETE { ?s nco:emailAddress ?o . }
    WHERE  { ?s a nco:EmailAddress ; nco:emailAddress ?o .
             FILTER (?s = <>) . }

But i can't do that for the corrupted objects that don't show an URI but
don't show when I filter by null uri:

    DELETE { ?x nco:emailAddress "bob company tld" . }
    WHERE  { ?x a nco:EmailAddress ;
                nco:emailAddress "bob company tld" . }

    Could not run update: syntax error, use of undefined variable `x'

(The same request works for a  normal e-mail address)
Can I do something to fix my database?
I also think that tracker should prevent inserting bogus objects like that.



Mildred Ki'Lya
ââââââââââ ïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïï ââââââââââ
â Jabber, GoogleTalk: <mildred jabber fr>
â Website: <http://ki.lya.online.fr>           GPG ID: 9A7D 2E2B
â Fingerprint: 197C A7E6 645B 4299 6D37 684B 6F9D A8D6 9A7D 2E2B

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