Re: [Tracker] tag photos on import

Am Montag, den 08.03.2010, 09:28 +0000 schrieb Martyn Russell:
On 07/03/10 09:51, Alexey Fisher wrote:
Am Freitag, den 05.03.2010, 11:50 +0000 schrieb Martyn Russell:
Note that Tracker already sees mounted media and already indexes it
(based on your config settings). So if you insert a memory card, those
pictures are automatically being indexed for you (assuming
tracker-miner-fs is running which it should be).

Tracker need metadata to be useful. Most cameras do not provide any
metadata. In most cases we cant extract it, we need create it.

Only way to get more info from photos/videos/audio is interpret file-
and foldernames, and getting filesystem creation date.
Do tracker will do this? or we need to create a separate tool.

No Tracker doesn't do anything like this right now.

I see.

 Although, it might 
make sense to add the necessary work there.

I would love to help.
I written some independent code for it, if you like i can send you.

I learning C by my self, and this project is my target to learn with. So
if you have time for mentorship, you are welcome.

To use attached programm, compile it:
gcc -ggdb -o walker whalker.c -I.

./walker /media/path_to_storage_with_pics

Output looks like this:
buf: ../samples/canon/DCIM/105CANON/IMG_0540.JPG, 0, 540
buf: ../samples/canon/DCIM/105CANON/SND_0540.WAV, 0, 540
tadaaaaa this is audio comment
buf: ../samples/canon/DCIM/105CANON/IMG_0547.JPG, 0, 547
buf: ../samples/canon/DCIM/105CANON/STA_0548.JPG, 1, 548
buf: ../samples/canon/DCIM/105CANON/STB_0549.JPG, 1, 549

first part is path to the image. Second is tag number(0 - no tags, 1 -
panorama, 2 - interval image). Third is image number... i use it to find
audio comments.


Attachment: walker.c
Description: Text Data

Attachment: walker.h
Description: Text Data

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