Re: [Tracker] Confused by search

Adrien Bustany <abustany-rDKQcyrBJuzYtjvyW6yDsg public gmane org> writes:
Please consider and

Why isn't the second search producing "testfile.txt" as a result?
According to the first search, "testfile.txt" is in the index and
contains the search string.
Some additional information: searching for "search" shows testfile.txt,
searching for "some data" or just "data" does not yield any results.

According to tracker-info, the file is completely indexed:

$ tracker-info testfile.txt
Querying information for entity:'testfile.txt'
Results: 25
  'rdf:type' = ''
  'rdf:type' = ''
  'rdf:type' = ''
  'rdf:type' = ''
  'rdf:type' = ''
  'rdf:type' = ''
  'rdf:type' = ''
  'tracker:added' = '2010-05-17T13:58:24Z'
  'tracker:modified' = '3460'
  '' = '2010-05-13T18:55:07Z'
  '' = '2010-05-17T13:06:19Z'
  '' = 'urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66'
  'nie:byteSize' = '24'
  'nie:dataSource' = 'urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66'
  'nie:isPartOf' = 'urn:uuid:b3b92bbf-4aff-10c6-fcfe-b981c58a85d0'
  'nie:url' = 'file:///home/nikratio/misc/testfile.txt'
  'nfo:belongsToContainer' = 'urn:uuid:b3b92bbf-4aff-10c6-fcfe-b981c58a85d0'
  'tracker:available' = 'true'
  'nie:mimeType' = 'text/plain'
  'nie:plainTextContent' = 'some data to search for
  'nie:isStoredAs' = 'urn:uuid:2dadef62-e7de-89be-a47a-7af4c5214294'
  'nfo:fileLastAccessed' = '2010-05-17T13:06:19Z'
  'nfo:fileSize' = '24'
  'nfo:fileName' = 'testfile.txt'
  'nfo:fileLastModified' = '2010-05-13T18:55:07Z'



 ÂTime flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.Â

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