Re: [Tracker] Does tracker support uniquie object-id across databases

On Sat, 2010-05-22 at 21:02 +0200, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
On Sat, 2010-05-22 at 07:24 -0700, Remo Remo wrote:
We recently added the tracker:id() function for this purpose. It's not
part of any RDF or SPARQL spec and completely custom / specialized for
Tracker use. So if you do use this, your queries aren't compatible with
any other SPARQL or RDF product.

It's so new that we have not documented it yet, it's also not available
in any release yet (afaik).
It did get released in 0.8.6 and it is in 0.9.5. But Philip is right,
there is no documentation on how to use it yet.


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