Re: [Tracker] tracker internal cache

Le Fri, 28 May 2010 08:41:09 -0700 (PDT),
Remo Remo <remo rremo yahoo com> a écrit :


i am allowing user to search artist by firing wildcard-expression, as
the frequency to use tracker-store (for access) database is increased
(also considering d-bus inherent overhead), so for efficiency i am
thinking to implement cache in my appl. but before i need to confirm
that tracker is not maintaining internal cache for query performance,
to say like, user entered "M", and my appl return all records of
strings starting with "M", now here if user enter "Mi", then the appl
should use the previous records (fetched for "M") to find the
associated strings.
As far as I know this type of caching is not done, since it would
require "understanding" the query. You will benefit from disk caching
though, but that's another thing. What we usually do though is 1. not
fire a search at every keystroke, but shortly after a bunch of
keystrokes (so if I type "Moot", we won't fire "M", "Mo", "Moo" etc.
but just "Moot") and 2. don't allow searches with less than N
characters, N being a reasonable number.





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