Re: [Tracker] Tracker database storage according to diskspace limit

tracker-status does report it, so I guess you can get that information
too... I'm not totally sure in what part detection happens though. I
think the miner manager does pause the miners when disk space is
running low, you might want to check that.

Le Mon, 31 May 2010 08:21:57 -0700 (PDT),
Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com> a écrit :

okk.. finally i've no option other than to write appl. for freeing-up
the memory-space :) anyway, my appl. need some short of notification
when disk-space is low or exhausted; so does tracker notify appl.
that disk-space is running short or would we have any mechanism to
register for notification for low disk-space?

----- Original Message ----
From: Adrien Bustany <abustany gnome org>
To: Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com>
Cc: tracker-list gnome org
Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 7:09:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Tracker] Tracker database storage according to
diskspace limit

Not really, when a USB device is disconnected the resources on that
disk are marked with tracker:available=false

Le Sun, 30 May 2010 03:10:06 -0700 (PDT),
Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com> a écrit :

going through the site (tracker gnome), it is mentioned that tracker
database is sync with real-time changes, so tracker should delete
all the data relevant to disconnected usb device, whenever a
removable-device gets disconnected.. i am just trying to look-in at
what extent tracker database is in sync with real-time changes (on
both file-systems of hard-disk and removable-device)..

----- Original Message ----
From: Adrien Bustany <abustany gnome org>
To: Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com>
Cc: tracker-list gnome org
Sent: Sat, May 29, 2010 10:29:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Tracker] Tracker database storage according to
diskspace limit

Yes, that is a possible solution. Or you can patch Tracker to behave
according to your needs.



Le Fri, 28 May 2010 20:47:53 -0700 (PDT),
Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com> a écrit :

ok.. so if the configured disk space for tracker is exhausted and
simultaneously new usb device get connected, then i'll have to
write appl./modules that will delete data from tracker's database
(least recently used) to allocate space for newly connected
device indexed data?

----- Original Message ----
From: Adrien Bustany <abustany gnome org>
To: Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com>
Cc: tracker-list gnome org
Sent: Sat, May 29, 2010 12:59:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Tracker] Tracker database storage according to
diskspace limit

Le Fri, 28 May 2010 11:29:07 -0700 (PDT),
Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com> a écrit :

ok...  what about the disconnected-device's data stored in
tracker? does tracker free-up disk space (LRU) to store metadata
for newly connected-device?
As far as I know Tracker does not delete any data on behalf of the

----- Original Message ----
From: Adrien Bustany <madcat mymadcat com>
To: Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com>
Cc: tracker-list gnome org
Sent: Fri, May 28, 2010 10:24:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Tracker] Tracker database storage according to
diskspace limit

Le Fri, 28 May 2010 08:17:08 -0700 (PDT),
Jackson Lawson <jacksonlawson55 yahoo com> a écrit :


tracker diskspace is configured to use 1 GB, then later it
would stop indexing reaching the configured diskspace
limit.At the same time, a usb device is plugged into the
system, does tracker delete the existing data (by using least
recently used (LRU) scheme) to allocate the disk-space for
storing metadata for new device?

Also, should tracker be configurable to set the metadata data
types, for e.g., extractor extract 128 bytes of ArtistName but
tracker should allocate/store only 100 bytes for this field.
Storage itself is done by SQLite, and I think artistName is
stored as TEXT. Not only extractors insert data into Tracker,
so we don't put restrictions based on a particular metadata




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