Re: [Tracker] Question about metadata in images (jpg and tiff)

On 09/09/10 19:16, Ken Schmedding wrote:
Okay I ran some tests on some files I added metadata to and this is what
I found:
This is what I get:

---- [1|0]  a nfo:Image ;
         a nmm:Photo ;
         nfo:width 1600 ;
         nfo:height 1200 ;
         nao:hasTag [ a nao:Tag ;
         nao:prefLabel "gallium"] ;
         nfo:equipment <urn:equipment:Canon:Canon%20PowerShot%20SX110%20IS:> ;
         nie:title "Test1" ;
         nfo:orientation nfo:orientation-top ;
         nie:copyright "iron" ;
         nmm:fnumber 4 ;
         nmm:flash nmm:flash-off ;
         nmm:focalLength 6 ;
         nmm:exposureTime 0.002 ;
         nmm:isoSpeed 80 ;
         nie:contentCreated "2010-02-06T17:29:30+0000" ;
         nmm:meteringMode nmm:metering-mode-pattern ;
         nco:creator <urn:contact:selenium> ;
         mlo:location [ a mlo:GeoPoint ;
         mlo:address "zirconium" ;
         mlo:state "niobium" ;
         mlo:city "yttrium" ;
         mlo:country "molydenum" ;
         mlo:asPostalAddress <urn:uuid:eed79435-4344-4c9e-a8a4-069dc4bfc990>] ;
         nfo:horizontalResolution 70.866141659999997 ;
         nfo:verticalResolution 70.866141659999997 .

For jpg and tiff you can tag them with Windows Explorer and add metadata
for Title, Subject, Author, Keywords, and Comments.  I ran tracker
against them and a tracker-extract revealed that none of these Windows
Explorer tags get extracted
The title is a fix we recently added with the configure switch 
--enable-guarantee-metadata so it is extracted from the file title.
Is "gallium" one of your keywords? Looks like it is/should be to me.

The creator or author is mentioned above too.

The comment is actually something which seems problematic from some quick Googling of jpeg comments on Windows/Linux. We do extract JPEG_COM.

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