Re: [Tracker] Problem with porting Tracker to mips

Le Wed, 15 Jun 2011 12:21:31 +0900,
simon hong <simon hong81 gmail com> a écrit :

Hi, tracker folks

I'm working to port tracker to mips platform.

I'm using tracker-0.9.20 because we met glib compile problem (above

I configured most of options disabled for initial tracker test.
After cross-compiling tracker with glib-2,24 (based on uclibc), I
executed tracker-miner-fs (not by tracker-control).

And  tracker-miner-fs process was aborted. But, tracker-store and
tracker-extract looks work well.

I don't know what is the reason. Following is tracker-miner-fs's log

# tracker-miner-fs
Initializing tracker-miner-fs...
Tracker-Message: Checking XDG_DATA_HOME is writable and exists
Tracker-Message:   XDG_DATA_HOME is '(null)'
Tracker-Message:   Path is OK
Tracker-Message:   XDG_DATA_HOME set to '/root/.local/share'
Tracker-Message:   Path is OK
Tracker-Message: Setting process priority
Tracker-Message: Setting up monitor for changes to config
Tracker-Message: Loading defaults into GKeyFile...
Tracker-Message: tracker-miner-fs 0.9.20
Starting log:
Tracker-Message: General options:
Tracker-Message:   Verbosity  ............................  3
Tracker-Message:   Initial Sleep  ........................  15
Tracker-Message: Indexer options:
Tracker-Message:   Throttle level  .......................  0
Tracker-Message:   Indexing while on battery  ............  no (first
time only = yes)
Tracker-Message:   Low disk space limit  .................  1%
Tracker-Message: Registering D-Bus service...
Tracker-Message: Checking whether to perform mtime checks during
crawling: Tracker-Message:   Enabled
(tracker-miner-fs:370): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:151: Using
backend = 'AUTO'
(tracker-miner-fs:370): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:159:
Searching for modules in folder
'/home/ykhong/cross_prj/tracker_top/lib/tracker-0.9/sparql-modules' ..
Tracker:ERROR:tracker-miner-object.c:259:tracker_miner_init: assertion
failed (error == NULL): Could not load plugin, mime type was
expected:'application/x-sharedlib' (tracker_sparql_error-quark, 6)

Any advice will be happy :)

Thank you!
Simon Hong
"Secret of success is consistency to purpose"
Could it be an error with your shared-mime-info, or whatever is
supposed to guess the mimetype? Does it work if you comment out the
mime type check?



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