Re: [Tracker] Trying out ordered deletes (was: Making some of our team-plannig public)

On Tue, 2011-03-08 at 14:11 +0100, Carlos Garnacho wrote:
Hey Carlos,


Philip wrote:
o. Some item_remove performance improvements:


I've been trying out this idea, this is now implemented in the
grouped-deletes branch, I've added bulk tasks, which gather a collection
of similar operations, the sparql is composed on flush. Due to event
granularity and intermediate flushes, processing is rather something

   aaabbb aaaabbbb aabb ab aabb ...

which also helps in getting a somewhat prompt response as items are

Interesting after this would be if the aaa, aaaa, aa, and the bbb, bbbb,
bb and bb queries would be merged together using SPARQL's IN support
inside of the queue, and then fired as a single query each time.




Philip Van Hoof
freelance software developer
Codeminded BVBA -

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