Re: [Tracker] Debian Tracker 0.10.0/Evolution 2.32: not mining

2011/3/18 Joost Kraaijeveld <J Kraaijeveld askesis nl>:

Do any of you think that it would be possible to backport those changes
to 0.10.x? The reason for this is that, as far as I can see, the
project's tarball is not "Debianised" which means that I cannot install
it using Debian package management as I cannot compile it it into a deb
package. And I really would like that.
I track the 0.10 branch currently as close as possible in Debian experimental.
As soon as a fix lands in the 0.10 upstream and a new release is out,
you'll get it from experimental.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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