Re: [Tracker] Metadata search Tracker Gnome

Hi Adrian
Aaah......Thanks for the enlightenment. Stopped barking now. :-!
But..... still left with my Tracker Gui not finding my Image(qpw.jpg) when i put my XMP metadata text(Beaudesert)to search for in the search box.
Where could i look for a way to fix this? :-P
Cheers JohnB :-)

On 23/09/11 18:43, Adrien Bustany wrote:
On 23.09.2011 10:55, John Bestevaar wrote:
Installed stable but old Tracker 0.8.17 on Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome. :-)
Using Graphical User Interface to do a test search of metadata in an
image file on my desktop.
Result: Found the image by its filename( qpw.jpg ) but not by my
metadata search term ( Beaudesert ) in the IPTC or XMP of the image.
I am guessing that the executable file "tracker-extract" though
installed is not reachable by "tracker"  GUI for some reason.
Browse with Nautilus to my location /usr/lib/tracker contains also
executable files:

johnb johnb-desktop:~$ which tracker-extract =-O
johnb johnb-desktop:~$ which thunderbird
/usr/bin/thunderbird :-)
The command "which" and name of application"thunderbird" above shows,
i assume, that "Thunderbird" is correctly installed and reachable. If
so then "which tracker-extract "above, shows as NOT  correctly
If so then the four Tracker executables above may not be correctly
installed  since there is no link for them between the  files in
/usr/lib/ and /usr/bin/ as there is for Thunderbird. There are 11
other tracker executables in my /usr/bin/ including the Tracker GUI
"tracker-search-tool" Are my assumptions correct or am i barking up
the wrong tree? :-P
Cheers JohnB O:-)
tracker-list mailing list
tracker-list gnome org
Hi John

the binaries in /usr/lib/tracker are not really meant to be launched
directly for daily use, but rather to be DBus activated (or launched
by something else in the case of the search bar). That's why they are
not in the PATH. You could consider them as "internal" binaries, not
public ones.


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