Re: [Tracker] TV Series in tracker


 The ontology is not a big deal. The problem is how to "discover" the
information from the files. It is a solvable problem (XBMC does it!)
but our extractor doesn't support it.



On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Jens Georg <mail jensge org> wrote:
On Sa, 2011-10-22 at 09:50 +0200, Jens Georg wrote:
How would you represent a TV series in tracker?

You have nmm:season, nmm:episodeNumber and nmm:isSeries to attach to a
nmm:Video, but then you have the issue of the title of that series.
Where to put that? It's a minor issue if episodes don't have their own
titles, but they do have in many series.

I thought about adding them to a nmm:Playlist (nmm:VideoAlbum seems
broken judging from the comment in 38-nmm.ontology), attaching a title
there - but that feels kind-of redundant since the grouping information
would be already contained in title + season.
looks like upstream nmm has nmm:TVSeries and nmm:TVShow:

Can you sync that?

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