Re: [Tracker] Allowing exteral processes like MTP handling to do extraction and sparql insert, bypassing miner-fs

Version that compiles and works (but without volume management)

gcc extract-test.c `pkg-config gio-2.0 tracker-extract-0.16
tracker-sparql-0.16 --cflags --libs` -ggdb

On Fri, 2012-12-14 at 18:40 +0100, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
Sorry, couldn't resist. Some obvious fixes and added some TODO marks and
questions in the code for whoever reviews this idea to read.

Kind regards,


On Fri, 2012-12-14 at 18:15 +0100, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
Hi there,

SO I started taking a look at how tracker-miner-file.c processes the
files by sending it to the tracker-extract process by using the
libtracker-extract library.

It uses quite a bit of GAsync calls in cascading order before it all is
done processing. But so far only the tracker:volume handling is in the
wrong location and not accessible by libtracker-extract users.

That is the miner_files_add_to_datasource call in tracker-miner-file.c
and all the code that depends on this call: mostly volume handling.

Everything else I've started porting to this extract-test.c file that
probably, most likely even, doesn't yet compile but that has the bean
for a get_metadata_async and a get_metadata_finish API that will be
usable by a external process like an MTP daemon.

The idea is to put such an API into libtracker-extract and then nicely
wrap it with Qt, C#, Vala, etc bindings.

I've just attached my unfinished business as my gf has arrived and I
really need to stop coding in a few minutes (or else ...).


Any experienced Tracker developer will see where I'm going with that
code. An early review would be welcome.
Kind regards,


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Philip Van Hoof
Software developer
Codeminded BVBA -

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