Re: [Tracker] enabling search for numbers in 0.14.2

thanks ! worked perfectly after reindexing.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Aleksander Morgado
<aleksander lanedo com> wrote:
I recently changed to 0.14.2 which works very well except for not
indexing numbers. How can I enable this? There are no files in
my /home/bjorn/.config/tracker directory.

We use gsettings now to keep the config, so you can just run:
  $> gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.FTS ignore-numbers false

You'll need to reindex, though.



Björn Johansson
Assistant Professor
Departament of Biology
University of Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga
Google profile
Work (direct) +351-253 601517 | mob.  +351-967 147 704 | mob. (SWE) 0739 792 968
Dept of Biology (secr) +351-253 60 4310  | fax +351-253 678980

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