Re: [Tracker] support for other database backends?

Hi Ivan,

 For example, libtracker-sparql is using direct access to sqlite for
reading and the tracker-store daemon via dbus for writing. Postgres
has a client-server architecture itself... that means a heavy
rewritting of libtracker-sparql internals or losing performance in an
extra IPC roundtrip.

Of course idea would be to drop dbus and a separate daemon altogether from the picture.

 Do you have any specific reason for postgres? Some people tested that
(for mobile devices) and the conclusion was that sqlite is ok: we are
in the "comfort zone" of sqlite, so postgres wouldn't give us any
sensibly better results.

It provides really flexible event notification straight from the SQL statements (see LISTEN/NOTIFY). Also dbus signals can arrive out-of-order compared to database transaction ordering. Postgre nicely optimizes also writes, caching (no need to sync/re-read from the fs layer to get updated data after writes), etc.

So the nice part is that postgre provides all needed parts in one optimized package:
 - Multi-process shared database access
 - All needed IPC
 - Change notifications triggered straight from the database transaction

        - Jussi

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