Re: [Tracker] Notes ontology (was: Gnome Ontologies)


On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 2:11 AM, Pierre-Yves Luyten <py luyten fr> wrote:

On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:37:15 +0100, Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
> So you want this property to exist more generally (i.e. for nmo and
> nfo) right?

Yes if the html property becomes common to nmo and nfo, to me this
would make a lot of sense, since an email too is free to have html or

(Note: I use Tomboy as example here, but it applies to any other notes-program with its own note format)

 Some comments:
* It seems that Tomboy has its own XML language, not HTML... so it could not use that property for their notes.
* To index the contents you need to also provide the clean (unformatted) content of the note
* If the content is not in a generic format, how to handle updates in the notes? (Similar to edit a Word document in LibreOffice, and choosing how to save the result).
 One possible solution (draft!):
Use nie:generator to know who wrote the original note, nie:plainTextDocument for the indexable text (no formatting) and add nfo:formattedContent with the raw content of the note, being it HTML/XML/whatnot.

 Actually nfo:formattedContent is not very useful. So would be the same as dumping the content in a file and use nie:url to link note with it. (The file should NOT be discovered by the miner-fs).

 There are still other details to handle, like the extra properties that Tomboy has (x, y coordinates, cursor position...). Those are UI related and don't belong to Tracker... but cannot be lost if another program edits a note!

> Also, if you're storing HTML content then why not have the CSS as
> part of that? Just curious.
> Thoughts?

Yes indeed this is possible and i appreciate your will to keep the
ontology clean

the reasons I thought it might make sense to have a background color
distinct from the actual content:
- some plainText notes might have specific background colors
- it might make sense to change the background color without updating
the whole html

Background color is a presentation property, but at the same time would be nice
to set a color for a note and see it everywhere. Mixed feelings about it.

If the property is OK, then the content should be very clear. Could be any CSS legal color values... or something that is easy for widgets, to avoid conversions.



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