Re: [Tracker] Problems with removable volume support

Hi Philip,

On Thu, 2014-03-13 at 12:54 +0100, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
Some platforms don't use udisk2 and/or gvfs so they fall back to the
implementations behind gio/gunix*c. These implementations aren't
always very reliable. In particular is the UUID of the volume not
always correct with those implementations. It would be nicer if we
could let something external to tracker-miner-fs fed us with that UUID
and mount point name upon mount event, rather than using GVolumeMonitor.
I don't see why we would need an abstraction layer in tracker for this.
GVolumeMonitor is a GIO extension point. If there are platforms where
the gvfs/udisks2 implementation is not suitable, a platform-specific
implementation of GVolumeMonitor can be used. This should not require
any changes in tracker. That way, all GLib-based applications can
benefit from it.


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