[Tracker] Tracker 0.17.6

About Tracker

Tracker is a semantic data storage for desktop and mobile devices.
Tracker uses W3C standards for RDF ontologies using Nepomuk with
SPARQL to query and update the data.

Tracker is a central repository of user information, that provides two
big benefits for the user; shared data between applications and
information which is relational to other information (for example:
mixing contacts with files, locations, activities and etc.).


The main changes are:

  * build: Improve SQLite FTS feature checking for cross compilation
  * build: Make libmediaart a soft dependency, not hard
* build: Require libicu >=, first version with pkg-config support, no version specified before * Fixes GB#726421, fix crash in pdf extractor with parent/child process handling
  * Fixes GB#726639, Remove some obsolete extactors
* Fixes GB#726640, tracker-extract: Add Gibest hash calculation to GStreamer
  * Fixes GB#725689, libtracker-extract: no longer use libtool versioning
* Fixes GB#726552, Warning when running configure: "enable_tracker_miner_fs: command not found
  * Fixes GB#726553, Remove QT reference in configure.ac
  * Fixes GB#725607, Screenshots do not appear in Screenshots album
  * Fixes GB#725890, Miscellaneous memory fixes
* all: Make GBusType run-time configurable with TRACKER_BUS_TYPE environment variable
  * all: Removed dead code from coverity report
* libtracker-fts: Fix memory leak for GList on property names during FTS init * libtracker-data: getting FTS multivalued properties used unintialised variable in ontology_get_fts_properties() * libtracker-data: Protect potential NULL dereference in _db_cursor_iter_next()
  * libtracker-{common,data,extract}: do not maintain LT versioning
* libtracker-miner: Do not leak the TrackerSparqlConnection in TrackerFileNotifier * libtracker-miner: Don't print uninitalised sparql variable for update_array_cb * libtracker-miner: Dispose GFileInfo objects ASAP when crawling (attempt to reduce memory footprint) * libtracker-extract: Lookup rules after initializing in get_fallback_rdf_types() to avoid empty rules lists
  * libtracker-extract: Fix memory leak on .rule file load errors
* libtracker-extract: Fix memory leak and unref rdf_types hash table in _module_manager_get_fallback_rdf_types() * tracker-store: Remove the --low-memory option in the man pages, not used since 0.9.x * tracker-miner-fs: Fix memory leak on rdf_types GStrv in _files_add_rdf_types() * tracker-miner-fs: Fix memory leak on priv->compisite_device for UpDevice on _finalize() * tracker-extract: Removed support for libstreamanalyzer, xine and totem extractors, not been used or supported in a long time * tracker-extract: Removed support for obsolete GStreamer backends tagreadbin, decodebin2 in gstreamer extractor * tracker-extract: Don't report < 0 nfo:width for images with GStreamer discoverer * tracker-extract: Remove the need for fork() and sub-processes with PDF extraction, no longer needed * tracker-extract: Make logging clearer if we fail on no modules or no metadata * tracker-extract: Fixed epub extractor so it doesn't use a broken ontology * tracker-extract: Improve logging, too many g_debug() calls to other log levels * tracker-extract: set nfo:Video on the gstreamer guess rule for completeness
  * tracker-extract: Add desktop file to autostart process
* tracker-extract: Make it clearer where MIME type came from in debug (from GIO/xdgmime or tracker-miner-fs) * tracker-sparql: Support listing properties with --tree and make --search case insensitive * tracker-sandbox: Set the locale properly so queries don't fail due to locale mismatch to DB

  * Updated cs: Marek Černocký
  * Updated es: Daniel Mustieles
  * Updated fr: AlainLojewski, Claude Paroz, Luis Menina
  * Updated gl: Fran Dieguez, Fran Diéguez
  * Updated it: Milo Casagrande
  * Updated ko: Seong-ho Cho
  * Updated lt: Aurimas ÄŒernius
  * Updated lv: RÅ«dolfs Mazurs
  * Updated pl: Piotr DrÄ…g
  * Updated pt_BR: Antonio Fernandes C. Neto, Rafael Ferreira
  * Updated ru: Yuri Myasoedov
  * Updated zh_CN: Wylmer Wang
  * Updated zh_HK: Chao-Hsiung Liao
  * Updated zh_TW: Chao-Hsiung Liao

https://download.gnome.org/sources/tracker/0.17/tracker-0.17.6.changes (10.4K)
https://download.gnome.org/sources/tracker/0.17/tracker-0.17.6.tar.xz (5.88M) sha256sum: 0c2e7e77e93c88d8a8ff2cc1d43f1c82155f9f6cef0f02d75e798f1f2853c675

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