Re: [Tracker] tracker-extract not being restarted

Am 12.05.2014 um 15:01 schrieb Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>:

On 12/05/14 13:21, Ralph Böhme wrote:
Hi Martyn,

Looks like it comes to a grinding halt. :)

How IS tracker-extract actually started these days anyway if not autostarted by DBUS requests?
Upon login. Otherwise, never IIRC.
I see. From the .desktop file, right? But then, how are extraction requests passed to tracker-extract? Not 
via DBUS? Because if they were passed via DBUS, DBUS could/should start it as necessary. So I'm missing some 
architectural point somewhere, but where? :)


Ralph Böhme <rb netafp com>
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