Re: [Tracker] Memory usage for tracker-extract and tracker-miner-fs

Hey Ralph :),

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 1:31 PM, Ralph Boehme <slow samba org> wrote:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 07:07:17AM -0500, Joe Rhodes wrote:

Here are the numbers as requested:

 tracker status -a | grep -e "nfo:Folder" -e "nfo:FileDataObject"
  nfo:FileDataObject = 1704170
  nfo:Folder = 286147

As for the Netatlak deal, I was working with the developer.  It
seemed that if you ran a query from a Mac that would return too many
results, it would crash the Netatalk server.  So he put in code that
returns 20 at a time to prevent that.
Yeah, afair the problem with Apples Spotlight RPC protocol is that it
has no way returning results in chunks and tell the client to come
back immediately for more results.

Apples Spotlight RPC server simply puts *all* *available* (this
depends on how many results the first async query returned) results in
one RPC packet (up to some limit imposed by SMB/RPC).
Oh I see, yay design limitations :). Thanks for sharing.


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