Re: [Tracker] Fwd: tracker 1.9.2

Hi Michael :)

On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Michael Biebl <mbiebl gmail com> wrote:

2016-09-14 22:31 GMT+02:00 Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carlos Garnacho <install-module master gnome org>
Date: Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 10:30 PM
Subject: tracker 1.9.2
To: FTP Releases <ftp-release-list gnome org>

About Tracker

Tracker is a semantic data storage for desktop and mobile devices.
Tracker uses W3C standards for RDF ontologies using Nepomuk with
SPARQL to query and update the data.

Tracker is a central repository of user information, that provides two
big benefits for the user; shared data between applications and
information which is relational to other information (for example:
mixing contacts with files, locations, activities and etc.).


  * Restore trailing colon in nfo:Equipment URIs
  * Add new mime-types for comic books

I do not have functional tests enabled, yet "make install" installs


Is that deliberate or a bug (and should I file a bug report)?
Sounds like the latter, shouldn't be ever needed in real life. Thanks
for noticing!


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