Re: [Usability]What is usability list?

On Sun, 2002-04-14 at 17:15, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> Accusations of cracksmoking are usually playful punches in GNOME, please
> don't take my post personally. ;-) [ I agree with some of the stuff you
> posted; would be nice. ]

No offence was taken. I lurk on enough of the GNOME lists to know that.

> It just reminded me that we don't want to see usability@ turned into a
> strange soapbox of 'cool new GUI stuff' (which is how gnome-gui-list turned
> out), rather, a good list to discuss our current usability faults and fixes,
> and nut out future ideas in a (hopefully) structured environment.

I fully appreciate the importance of keeping this list focused on actual
issues. It's a pity there isn't a forum for "cool new GUI stuff"
(especially the pie-in-the-sky variety), 'cos whilst it would probably
generate 99% unworkable crazy ideas we might actually get 1% really good
ideas. Still, the very last thing GNOME needs is another mailing list!

> We do need an introductory text for people to grasp what usability and HCI
> are, and how we deal with related GNOME issues on this list - that's the
> main thrust of my email.

You probably don't. You just need the sentence ("We don't want ..."
re-worded slightly) you wrote above included in the subscription

Best, Darren

D. D. Brierton            darren dzr-web com 
        Trying is the first step before failure (Homer Simpson)

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