[Usability]Re: Nautilus preferences proposal

The problem is that nautilus isn't a web browser, it could be, I really
really hope it can be one, but right now it's just not. The primary
purpose of nautilus is a file browser. 

One day it would be nice, if we could integrate the excellent web
browsing features of galeon into nautilus. But i don't see that
happening for a long time.

perhaps a solution to avoiding the misconception by users that nautilus
is a web browser is to turn off the location bar by default. This may
clear things up a little since it will resemble macos finder a little
bit more.


On Sun, 2002-04-28 at 15:47, David Emory Watson wrote:

> While I can understand Alex's thinking on the importance of $HOME, I
> doubt if new users will agree.  In my experience, every new user I've
> put on GNOME invariably tries to use nautilus as a web browser (this is
> probably due to their experience with Explore).  So for them, nautilus
> is a web browser and home is a homepage (location, whatever).
> -- 

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