Re: [Usability]the gnome 2.0 default panel size

Hi AnI,

Please keep in mind that the limbo version of gnome-panel has a number of patches that the plain gnome version does not!
The calendar popup is a redhat feature (and the few pixels it stretches 
the panel, i filed a bug on this already), also the default menu's, 
sizes and theme are all redhat specific.
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       -- Chris

AnI AnI wrote:

I just installed the latest Red Hat Beta (Limbo) and I have to comments about the Gnome2 Panel:
1. I think that the default panel size should be "Small (36 pixels)" 
instead of "Medium (48 pixels)", I have an 1024x768 LCD laptop screen, 
and I think that 48 pixels for a panel takes too much space.
2. I think that by default the clock applet should _not_ show the 
seconds and the date in the applet.
I should only show the time, and the date should show up in the 
tooltip, or in the calendar that pops up when one clicks on the clock 
( a very nice feature by the way ).

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