[Usability]Re: killing programs in taskbar

Dexter Filmore wrote:
recently wrote to this list that i can't kill programs anymore by
right-clicking on the taskbar icon and selevt "kill" from the popup and was
told this wasn't necessary any longer since clicking the close button had the
same effect if the application didn't respond after 5 seconds or so.

Well, this is nonsense. It takes aeons *if* it happens, often enough it won't
at all and I have to bring up a term and ps ax and kill -9 pid manually.
I want this feature back.
How about implementing metacity's "kill unresponsive apps" mechanism in 
the tasklist instead of adding a "kill" command to the tasklist?
I don't use metacity, and so for me, there's no way to kill an 
application without resorting to the command line or 
gnome-system-monitor.  Furthermore, it makes sense that the "close" item 
of the tasklist should do the same thing as the "close" button in metacity.

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