Re: GNOME Menu (was: Re: [Usability]Re: UI Review Suggestions - Panel)

<quote who="Pat Costello">

> > In the previous context, yes, but "GNOME" is better than "Desktop" - it has
> > more global significance. At some stage, we actually have to market GNOME
> > too.
> > 
> Debatable, Jeff, debatable. 
> Seen from a user perspective, GNOME is a quaint little feller with a fishing 
> rod. Desktop is what you see in front of you.

But the desktop is the "thingy wot has icons on it"...

> User controls and functionality is not the best place to do marketing,
> especially bearing in mind the different levels of GNOMEness of the
> different distros. 

True, true, and I'm battling this problem in my head at the moment. We need
people to see that what they are using is the GNOME desktop, but also let
the distributors feel comfortable in their own branding and recognition.

You're right though, critical elements in the UI is not the place for it.

- Jeff

     "Linux is not like Novell, it isn't going to run out of money - it     
              started off bankrupt, in a way." - Steve Ballmer              

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