Re: [Usability]recent documents in panel

Hi James,

Seems like there's at least 3 options

1) create a new top level menu
2) add it to one of the existing menus
3) do something special like the app switcher

I think within the current design, it makes most sense (well for me
anyway) that it is an "Action".

Something like

Open Recent >
Run Program...
Search for Files...
Lock Screen
Log Out

(at first I put Run Program at the top, I think it 'looks'
better, but I also think Open Recent will be used much more)

So Open Recent would be a cascading menu equivalent to your
Documents menu. Now this goes slightly against the
grain of what the HIG says...

James Willcox wrote:

Hi all,

I'm putting together a patch that uses my recent-files code in the
panel. Here's what it looks like so far:

I would like to know what the usability crowd thinks about where this
menu should go, how it should look, etc.  I think it would also be cool
to have a "recent applications" menu as well (I used this all the time

Maybe that is what Favorites is ?

back when I had a mac).

I think there is opportunity to look at what tasks we are trying to
support with the panel as a whole, and try an prioritise which tasks
are most important for a user and come up with some design options
that we can objectively test.


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