Re: [Usability]Feedbacks on GNOME 2 panel from Mdk 9.0 beta test

Am Mon, 2002-09-16 um 15.19 schrieb Frederic Crozat:
> Hi all, 
> I'd like to share with you some of the feedback we received during beta
> tests of Mandrake 9.0 for GNOME 2.
> We tried to keep an "almost" identical GNOME2 look as "original"
> GNOME2.. This mean we keep the "menubar" + a bottom menu panel layout..
> While a lot of people liked this layout (I think a majority of people
> never realized it is inspired from MacOS..), many people complained they
> couldn't move this "top" panel to other areas of the screen, like the
> other panels.. 
> I think it is clearly a problem with current panel configuration.. 
> When trying to move the "menubar" panel, it should "morph" into an
> "edge" panel.. In the same idea, there should be only one type of panel
> to add, with the ability to modify its type using the "Preferences"
> dialog..

IMHO this could work very well with the old menu-applet, which could
change to icons if it is in a vertical panel. I don't hink that i'd ever
benefit from that feature, but I think a lot of other users could.


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