Re: [Usability]Re: Notification area (was: Music player UI)

On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 15:03, Mark Finlay wrote:

> > The notification area also kinda sucks for notification.  A little icon
> > on your panel changing is completely not noticable.  If the balloon
> > popups were used (those are still part of the spec, no?) it might be a
> > lot better; I haven't seen an app that uses those yet tho.
> Have you ever used redhat8.0? Flashing red dot is actually very
> noticable. I'm pretty sure that it is establised that anything flashing
> on a screen will grab attention. that's why animations on websites are
> so distracting and annoying. 

Ya, using RH8 now.  The flashing icon, yes, that is noticable; also
assuming you haven't stuff your panel with 20 other hackerish animated
applets.  Add to that an application/web-browser you're using with
animation/movies, etc., it's not that noticable.  Especially when it's a
tiny dot on my largish screen.  If it used the balloon popup, it might
be a lot more visible - I'd like to see a notification icon use those,
maybe I'll be convinced then.  Or maybe I'm just vision (or brain?)
impaired... :(

> So if it is really necessary attention can be drawn to the notification
> area.
> As for baloon, please no. Maybe it's just the implementation, but I HATE
> these on window XP.
Sean Middleditch <elanthis awesomeplay com>

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