[Usability] Re: EggToolbar

Marco Wrote
        - GtkToolButtons can't do priority_text, because the usability
people think it's a bad idea: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2002-September/msg00144.html http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2002-September/msg00140.html
Was a real call made about this ? According to Dave Bordoley it was simply decided priority text
was not a good default, but that it should have been kept as an option.
If you read the above mentioned threads closely, you'll notice that same 
arguments regarding why priority text is a bad default apply to why icons 
only is a bad default too, but surely no one is proposing to remove the 
preference for icons only :P. 

The above threads are in regards to what is the best default layout. At the 
time seth was considering making priority the default, but luckily both 
maciej and calum convinced him that as a default priority text has some 
failures that are addressed when using icons+Text as the default (with text 
below the icons). 

Also, if it has been decided that priority text should not be supported, does the "Text beside icon" pref in control center make sense ? I guess most toolbars would go out of screen.
for users who prefer prioirity text, the current situation really makes text 
on the right useless to them, so either prioirity text should be added, or 
the pref removed. 

also evo designers seem to favor priority text for evo, and if we really 
expect gtktoolbar to deprecate everything else it probably needs to fill 
this void as well. 


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