[Usability] Re: example of nice usability feature

tor 2004-03-04 klockan 10.37 skrev Marius Andreiana:
> Hi


Moving to usability list instead of desktop-devel.

> As we were talking about usability (followup on ESR), I saw yesterday a
> nice feature at a friend when we were browsing an image colloection from
> his camera with ACD See on MS Windows.
> On images which needed rotating, we rotated them (pressing a key or an
> icon) and the viewer automatically saved them to disk rotated. This is
> an excellent feature. 
> In Linux I have to start gimp, rotate and save it, for every image which
> needs that. I know there are nautilus scripts for that, but if
> EOG/gthumb would do the job automatically would be great.

I think it would be pretty nice if Nautilus could look at the exif data
and rotate the images accordingly. For example my camera sets the
rotation information in exif, would be nice if Nautilus looked at this
and rotated thumbnails correctly.

Not sure if we want Nautilus to actually rotate the images and remove
the exif tag? Otherwise it would be nice to have a nice way of doing
that in GThumb. Gallery (web application for showing pictures) does this
when you upload the images, but you often want to crop/retouch the
images before uploading so you have to rotate them manually before.

  Mikael Hallendal
Mikael Hallendal               micke imendio com
Imendio HB                     http://www.imendio.com
Phone: +46 (0)709 718 918

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