Re: [Usability] Screen Recording Tools

> Folks.
> What are the screen recording tools of choice
> (motion and/or stills) on Linux?
> Thanks!
> Robb

I signed on to the Gnome Usability mailing list a while ago to post my complaint about the hidden drop-down menu items that have been implimented in GTK+2.0.x, however I only got one response.  You can view the video I recorded at:

I recorded a video of the problem using video capture application called "xvidcap", using the "gvidcap" program that comes in the package.  I had to compile it as it was not available from my distro, and one word of advice is to use the version of ffmpeg that comes bundled with it when compiling it, or it probably won't be able to record video after.

For screenshots the two most popular methods are the "import" command from ImageMagick and The GIMP has "File > Aquire > Screenshot".  For import you can use a command like this:

Filename="$(date +'Screenshot_%Y_%m-%b_%d_(%H%M.%S).png')"
import -window root -colors 256 -depth 8 +dither -quality 100 "$Filename"

That saves a non-dithered, 8-bit PNG screenshot using a filename based on the current date.  "man import" for more information.

For a screenshot I cropped using The GIMP, of that GTK+ 2.0.x drop-down menu problem:

Hope that helps,

 - raven morris

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