Re: [Usability] The new file chooser

There is another usability problem with the new filepicker that should be addressed. You can´t quickly search for files in the list by entering their first letters. (Like in windows or even in the nautilus main

Actually, you can with a some versions of gtk+ (it is included in the
Red Hat/Fedora Core gtk+ packages, and is in gtk+ 2.5.x), see patch[1].

Very nice that this is already addressed. I hope the gnome versions in the next linux distros will have type ahead find already included.

One other thing would be nice. Being able to browse files in the filechooser with all possibilities of nautilus like thumbnails.

I also like being able to do some file management in the chooser like creating folders. As the filechooser so more and more develops into nautilus it could be implemented as a special nautilus view internally.

best regards,


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