[Usability] Nautilus/file selector issues

hi everyone,
my name is davide pesenti, i'm new to this list, so please excuse me if
these topics have alreadu been discussed.

I've seen a message [1] on the gk-list mailing list ad it suggested me a couple of things, hope to be InTopic... if not excuse me
Frank Huang:
1. There should be a clear option to open directories 'in the same
window' for Nautilus (i.e. don't open a new window for each
directory). I know that the 'always open in browser windows' option
does this (or appears to anyways), but I don't think an ordinary user
would find that out very easily.
furthermore when clicking Control+l the current location is on the
dialog, higlighted and without the trailig slash, so if wanto to go
let's say to "/home/mrjive/Documents/photos/summer2004" i have to click
and manually add the trailing / , while not having it highlighted and
with it at the and would permit me to start typing and using the auto
completion. Hope not to be too mutch confused ;)

2. When clicking+dragging files to other Nautilus windows, there
should be a little popup menu that asks you to 'move', 'copy', 'link',
etc. right now it's in middle-click, but I don't know too many apps
that have middle-click dragging, and IMHO right-click would be much
Great, i didn't know about middle-drag :)
it would also be nice, while dragging a file on a dir and holding for a
second, to have this dir openede, so that only by dragging i can go
through my dirs...

In the "open/save dialog", there are a couple of annoying things too:
i agree ;)
it would be nice to be able to rename files directly from the file
selector, see more details besides "modify date", so i can easily
recognise my files...

In nautilus windows there is the possibility to selct files by a pattern:
and then use, lets say, *.jpg
Why not a flag "show only matching files" inthe dialog?
The dialog stays upon the window and, on close, restores the complete view

In the spatial view: is there a vay to open a window and close the
parent (like double middleclick) but using only keabord?

Why not have a voice in the right-click menu on a file with "move to"
and "copy to" like kde? Being able to move or copy files without opening
nautilus window is comfortable, IMO

Thank for you replies, and sorry for being too long ;)

"Some small usability suggestions for Nautilus/filebrowser"

davide pesenti

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