Re: [Usability] tabbed ui state indicators


by reading the last replies to the bugid I've just posted I came across recent additions to
;) Means can be done now.
Anyway more specific guidlines (like stock icons for the state) would be good.



just subscribed to this list and searched the archive. I'd like to bring a topic into discussion which I have for long on my list. In the past (gnome-1.x) I was using multi-gnome-terminal a lot. And one feature of it I liked a lot was that it was coloring the label on the notebook tabs to indicate the state of the document (terminal) in it. States where : running command and new output. There is a request for this feature for the gnome-terminal in 2.x:

I belive this is easy to implement. What we might need is some suggestions in the Gnome HIG how to handle it.
My first suggestion is to use spinning arrows to indicate that the 
document that the tab stands for is not idle, thus is saving or is 
beeing processed. The progress (if known) + a desription of the action 
can be put into the tooltip for the tab.
As a second suggestion we could use icon-overlays to indicate the change 
state (adding a yellow up-side-down triangle with an '!' to indicate new 
output or other changes).
Any comments. Should we discuss this on the wiki?

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