Re: [Usability] Request for UI ideas: User/Group management

Am Donnerstag, den 20.07.2006, 22:45 +0200 schrieb Sebastian Heinlein:
> I always prefer flat lists in favour of trees:
> |--------------------------------------------------------|
> | GROUPS                | MEMBERS (of the selected group)|
> |--------------------------------------------------------|
> | Everyone              | Friends              GROUPS    |
> | Editors  <- selected  | -----SEPARATOR---------------- |
> | Admins                | George               USERS     |
> | Friends               | Jane                           |
> | Editors               |--------------------------------|
> |                       | [ADD] [REMOVE]                 |
> |--------------------------------------------------------|
> The left pane shows all available groups and the right one all members
> of the selected group.

If I understand this correctly, this has the problem that it is not possible to
add a group into another group.

However, for some reason your mockup helped me focus, and I have since spent
several hours playing with mockups to come up with this file:

(This is supposed to become a CMS with Evolution integrated calendar sharing and
some other GNOME integration features.)

The permissions on specific content are later defined object-specificly, so
permitted users are added to the site. At least that is the most simple and
intuitive way I could think of so far.

Any comments appreciated.


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