Re: [Usability] Linux Desktop Usability

Matthew Nuzum wrote:
On 3/4/07, Patrick Carlson <firefly2442 gmail com> wrote:
Hello, I am looking to do a research project and usability study comparing the Gnome Beryl 3D desktop with the Gnome Metacity 2D desktop.  I've found the Better Desktop project but besides this, I haven't found much else in terms of Linux usability studies.

Can anyone recommend further work that has been done with usability studies involving the Linux desktop?  If not, are there any more general usability studies that you know of?
Here is an article I found a few months ago that I enjoyed - it's not
a study, just one person's experience in the matter.

I do not know much about usability studies that have been done, but if anyone is doing this, must not the context be defined clearly?
For example is it a usability studies where the subjects involved knows 
Gnome and/or GNU/Linux well or do they instead know MS Windows well?
My guess is that the result will be very different in these two cases.

And I would strongly recommend to clearly state the context used and keep it in mind in the result and discussion part of the study papers.

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