Re: [Usability] Overthinking things.

Quoting Allan Caeg <allancaeg gmail com>:
What's your point and what are you trying to suggest exactly?
Sorry if I seem hostile and overly grumpy - I don't mean to be  
annoying, I just come across that way a lot of the time.
Usability in Linux has been something I've cared about for years,  
progress has always been slow and there always seems to be these great  
efforts put in place to fix it which usually fundamentally go nowhere.
I think my whole thought process can be summed up by this post by John  
Gruber - - which seems to  
lay out the problems quite clearly, namely that usability isn't  
something you can simply add on at the end.
What to recommend, I don't really know. I suppose I think the issues  
are much more fundamental than other people do, almost to necessitate  
a 'usability audit' rather than moving on to user testing.
I am not saying anyone else is wrong though, only that this is my  
opinion based on my experiences - and am ready to change it based on  
the evidence.  Ultimatley everyones goal is the same - a better Linux  

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