[Usability] Direct selection of windows with key combos, and quick mapping+remapping of those combos.


I believe most people can remember the last 4-7 windows they were using[1], and they may want quick "random access" amongst those windows. Alt-Tab only allows a _quick_ switch amongst two which is insufficient in many cases (alt-tab is not good for rapid selection amongst more than three windows) .

Hence I propose that the GUI provide a method or two for users to _very_quickly_ assign/map windows to key combos.

Then a trained/experienced user can more easily work on one task that requires a bunch of windows e.g. debugging code. Windows open = editor window #1, editor window #2, logs, library doc, standards doc). Then very quickly and fluidly set up stuff for another task e.g. creating software installation documentation . Windows open = word processor, virtual machine #1, virtual machine #2, image editor to crop screen captures. Followed by say 3 ssh sessions and work with them (yes one can use screen for that, but why can't the GUI be better than screen for task switching?).

So here are my suggestions on ways to speed stuff up.

A special key or key combo is reserved. This could be the "win key", or that "menu/application" key[2] that I have never seen anyone using ;).

Let's assume it's winkey for now.

** The first method of assigning windows

Then when winkey+0 is pressed[0] (both windows key and "0" pressed), the GUI will look at the "alt tab" list of windows that has windows sorted in order of most recently used to least recently used (this list of windows is what the alt-tab feature tabs through).

The GUI will then map the most recently used window to winkey+1, the 2nd most recently used to winkey+2, and so on till the 9th most recently used (winkey+9).

This mapping will then stay fixed till winkey+0 is pressed again (or the mappings are changed via another method) to reassign stuff.

So when the user presses winkey+1 the relevant mapped window will be raised. winkey+<n> will raise window #n.

** Method 2a

When winkey+shift+1 is pressed, the current raised window will be assigned to winkey+1. When winkey+shift+2 the current raised window will be assigned to winkey+2. Similarly for winkey+shift+<#n>.

Instead of the winkey-shift some other combination might be chosen.

** Method 2b
When winkey+<number> is pressed then within 20 seconds (configurable) winkey+= ("windows key" and "equals key") is pressed, the previous active window is assigned to winkey+<that number>.

This method allows the user to view a window mapping and decide whether to overwrite it. If the user decides on overwriting some other mapping instead, the user can press "alt-tab" (to go to the previous window) and then press winkey+<a different number> to view another window.

Releasing the winkey should not be not necessary, one should be able to hold down winkey, press the number, then press "=" and it should still work.

** Why not use virtual desktops instead?

While virtual desktops may be helpful, not everyone works on the same few known tasks all day (and if they do, those lucky people might have fewer than 9 windows open and those same few windows open the whole day anyway ;) ).

Instead of spending time organizing windows to the "correct" desktops and so on, and then spending time to switch to desktops and then switch to the correct window, you can just launch/raise the relevant windows and immediately assign them. Then when done, you can reassign the now unused mappings leaving the "favorite" mappings untouched.

** Is this like Windows 7

No. I first suggested something like this for GUIs in 2006, and I think it's still a superior idea to what Windows 7 does.

I've tried Windows 7 - and what winkey+<n> does in Windows 7 is it raises a window of the "n"th application on your task bar. Holding winkey down and repeatedly pressing <number> will cycle through that application's windows. That's not really helpful or fast in my opinion, especially for experienced users who might have more than one email open, more than one document open for each application.

** Conclusion

While helping new users is a commendable goal, I think GNOME can also help the users who can have more than 3 windows open at the same time without becoming a nervous wreck... I think it's possible to do help both.

With some tweaking (able to press a key combo to have the computer read aloud the title bar of a raised window) this might even be useful for the blind. Whereas "thumbnailed" or 3D displays of windows does little for them.


[0] By pressed I mean pressed. A release is not necessary.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus_or_Minus_Two
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menu_key

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